
Casters & Wheels


  • Ongoing investment in the latest electronic technology and process automation throughout functions of our business – as well as new product development and existing product improvement – enable us to offer a complete, total value package to our customers.
  • Meets quality standards of the NSF and Institute of Caster Manufacturers.
  • Providing a broad selection, the highest quality, and the very best service and support and maintains a full manufacturing facility and builds the majority of the product domestically.

Typical Materials

  • Pneumatic
  • Foam Filled
  • Soft Rubber
  • TPR Rubber
  • Polyurethane
  • Hard
  • Rubber
  • Polyolefin
  • Hi-Temp Nylon
  • Glass Filled
  • Phenolic
  • Semi-Steel

Typical Applications

  • Light Duty Casters
  • Medium Duty Casters
  • Heavy Duty Casters
  • Institutional Casters
  • Stainless Steel Casters
  • Kingpinless Casters
  • Pneumatic Wheel Casters
  • Foam Filled Wheel Casters
  • Gate Casters
  • Shock Absorbing Casters
  • Specialty Casters
  • Pneumatic Casters
  • Drum Dollies
  • Cart & Tool Box Casters
  • Ro-To Fix Spring Cup Casters
  • Low Profile Utility Swivel Casters
  • Low Profile Rigid Casters
  • Scaffolding Casters

Part / Application Size

Load rating from 50 lbs. to 1200 lbs

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  • TS 16949
  • ISO 14001
  • NSF