
Case Studies

Piston Rings:  Grover Corporation

In one of its most recent innovations, Saylor-Beall has worked with [JE Shireling Company] and Grover Corporation to reduce the problem of oil and water that contaminates compressed air system and air lines.

The company, along with a specialty supplier, has designed a piston ring specifically for air compressor applications.  Bruce McFee explains that most piston rings are designed for engines, in which combustion forces the piston down. Those types of rings allow oil to build in the compressor’s lines

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. The new Saylor-Beall piston ring is designed specifically for an air compressor, with a special angle that forces the oil back down and away from the air lines. 

“We have gotten very good test results,” McFee says. “To prove quantitatively how we are doing, we have oil consumption down to two to three parts per million, based on the mass of air to oil. That’s very low.” Decreasing oil in the lines is a benefit to the customer because it makes the system easier to maintain and the filters last longer, McFee adds. Excerpt from Manufacturing Today.